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Special Offer:  Using SQL to be 3x's More Productive...  Watch the video to find out how!

Yes! I want to enroll in the SQL Server Essentials Course Now...

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SQL Server Essentials - What everyone should know!

Some say data is the new oil.  But, oil needs to be refined.  I want you to be that refinery.

More specifically, you need to understand how to retrieve the data efficiently so that you can change that data into decision making information.  Those that understand data are sought after right now, but more importantly, will be sought after for years to come.

It doesn't have to be difficult to start your learning and I have put together a program that is specifically for beginners to start learning SQL.

In this training you will learn how to...

  • Store and Reuse SQL that you write.
  • Find and Use SQL that is already stored.
  • Understand the general framework of SQL.
  • Interact with SQL safely and efficiently.

Yes! I want to enroll in the SQL Server Essentials Course Now...

Add to Cart - Only $39