You can use the Partition By Function in SQL Server to get a Year-to-Date and Month-to_Date calculation.
In this video I show you how to create a Year-to-Date value using the Windowing Partition By Function in TSQL.
This video builds on the prior day’s video, Prior Day Profit using the Lag Function with Windowing .
Video: Month-to_Date using the Partition By Function in SQL Server
how to create a Year-to-Date value using the Windowing Partition By Function in TSQL.
I use the Wide World Importers and the following scripts:
--SQL Year-to-Date using Partition By select year([Invoice Date Key]) as Year, Month([Invoice Date Key]) as Month, [Invoice Date Key], Profit, sum(Profit) OVER (PARTITION BY year([Invoice Date Key]), Month([Invoice Date Key]) ORDER BY [Invoice Date Key]) as MonthToDate, sum(Profit) OVER (PARTITION BY year([Invoice Date Key]) ORDER BY [Invoice Date Key]) as YearToDate from dbo.ProfitByDate order by 1
Link to the Microsoft SQL Server Over Clause.
See the original Year-to-Date using the Partition Windowing Function video.
hola buenas tardes
Me gustaría realizarle una consulta sobre como comparar los datos de venta YDT
quedo a espera de sus comentario!
Saludos Cordiales.